Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Fall and Fun

To the only reader I have at the time: Yes, Sept. 4th sure was a long time ago. A lot has happened but I haven't started a habit of I forget. I think it's less important or not too funny. The month of October flew by. General and I did a little babysitting for the first time in forever. Nothing too big, just our nieces. We had fun...I was in charge of feeding and changing diapers while General did the playing. We also got to celebrate Libby's (our oldest niece) 3rd birthday!
The birthday girl with a BIG smile!

Carlee and I at Libby's party.

Then there was Halloween. We were party poopers this year. We didn't dress up, and we didn't hand out candy! However, we did go to the church's fall festival on Wednesday before Halloween. I guess that counts. I forgot to take a camera, and I'm sure ppl would have thought I was crazy just taking pictures of random ppl. I did take a few pictures of my favorite little fella in a sunflower field.
Meet Cash. The cutest blue eyed 10 month old baby buddy. While his mom and dad drove us to the sunflower field we sat in the back and had a little photo session.

It didn't take the little man long to get tired and sleepy after a long day of fun!

That's that kind of fun we've been having lately. Hopefully I'll get better at updating a little sooner next time!